Auto backup on "major changes" to a profile

Auto backup on "major changes" to a profile

so, real short and sweet... I just unwittingly deleted my heavily customised primary "desktop" profile. >.< "Expert Mode" FTW.

looking through my "Documents" location (Windows user, if that matters), I see the "Swiftpoint X1 Settings" folder already has a "Backups" folder, but as of writing this message, the only files I see there are already about 2 months old.

so, could the X1 Control Panel perhaps be made to create an automatic backup of the current configuration, including all profiles, before making any "major changes" to a profile..?

in order to cover most average use-cases, I would suggest an auto backup in situations such as:
- on CP exit, if changes were made this session.
- if CP is still running, 5 minutes after the last "Save" action.
- before adding a new profile. (naturally, this backup would include all current profiles.)
- before deleting and/or clearing any setting in a profile. (unless this is too fine grained...?)

note: in all cases, "profile" refers to both "parent" and "sub-" proflies.