Issue with sub-profiles and modifier key setups

Issue with sub-profiles and modifier key setups

I have a main "desktop" profile where I use top and bottom thumb button as modifier keys (e.g. Front Edge = forward, but Top thumb + front edge = home) and I was hoping to set up a sub-profile where I could add to those.  Unfortunately, I've found out that adding anything to my sub-profile ends up completely overwriting the parent profile for that button.  Tilt as a modifier works how I hoped this would behave: Parent tilt left + front edge = Page Up, Sub-Profile tilt left + left trigger push = Go To Definition, and both are available when in sub-profile.

If there was a way to make sub-actions of buttons additive, that would be excellent.  If that's not possible, would it be possible to have the ability within X1 to "Import Parent Mappings" and then add the new desired bindings there.  I understand this would take up more memory usage on the mouse, but it would be preferrable to manually entering all of my parent mappings.