Key event down/up should default to mouse button press/release respectvely if only one key is pressed during the Record Keystrokes feature

Key event down/up should default to mouse button press/release respectvely if only one key is pressed during the Record Keystrokes feature

This is my biggest gripe with the advanced mode and has been since years before simple mode existed. This what I input manually over 99% of the time and there are way too may steps involved that don't have to be there. This is so important because games very often ask you to hold a key, or have separate functions for hold and tap on the same key. I don't want to alt-tab out of game just to fix my mouse profile if it introduces this feature later, so I just go through the whole excessively involved process every time because I'd rather stay immersed than have to alt-tab again. Look at any other keybinding software from Steam Input to Logitech's software. This is the default behavior where no separate pages and only one click is required(or two, if you're using a virtual keyboard UI instead of pressing the key to set it). You have to make an extra click to add and edit a macro or layer, which makes sense because realistically you're only doing that a fraction of the time that you want a 1:1 press and release.

Alternatively, a separate simplified Record Keystroke (singular) button on the Mappings page that does this by default would be even better and cut out an additional two clicks from the process. I could see it going nicely in the top right corner of each input container, directly opposite the three vertical dots button.