Looks like Swiftpoint Z no longer support Copy and Paste commands

Looks like Swiftpoint Z no longer support Copy and Paste commands

I don´t, and really don´t want to use CTRL+C and CTRL+V
I was able to select Copy and Paste feature from the commands available on the APP (Copy and for other button, Paste)
Seems like these two features are now missing.
Am I correct, and these two commands has been deleted from the APP? (SwiftPoint Z)
Or am I looking in the wrong place?
Because like 3 days ago I was able to use these and now these are gone for some reason.

And I am not crazy, these commands were available before, I got these for a profile, but I can´t find these commands anymore for new profiles (and would lose these if I select remove from this old profile most likely)

(Before update, these commads where available, it seems it no longer do sadly)
Need help to figure out what is going on.