Disable haptic feedback on X1 Control Panel connect

Disable haptic feedback on X1 Control Panel connect


I use my Swiftpoint Z on a switchbox and also ordered a new Z2 which is now on the way to me. From your Updates I learned that I have to update my Swiftpoint X1 Control Panel app to prevent it trying to downgrade the firmware of the Z2.

I was previously on 2.x.x version of the Control Panel now I'm on latest which has one thing that's driving me nuts.

Everytime the X1 Connects with the mouse it gives haptic Feedback. Now when you're a switchbox to switch between 2 machines everytime you switch you get haptic feedback und you also get it when switching back.

This was not the case with the 2.x control panel. As I can't downgrade as the Z2 needs the new version I would really love if you could add a setting in the X1 control panel to disable haptic feedback on mouse connect. It's really a pain in the ass and I don't know why it was added after all. It's completely unnecessary.