As somebody that own, love and use both the Swiftpoint Z and the Steam Controller, it is hard not to compare the profile software related to the individual products. One thing that I have been wondering, was whether it is possible/viable/plausible to add a "Layer" function like that present on the Steam controller, especially for users of the Z.
A lot of games (especially in recent times) have multiple game "modes" that all require a little something different. Take GTA for an example where you have 3rd/1st person shooter mechanics, OR you can fly a helicopter. One of the two can REALLY benefit from the Z's gyro function, while the other could severely suffer from it.
Optimally, you would be be able to enable/disable functions like the gyro by recorded button presses.
Going hand in hand with this are programmable actions that require multiple buttons to press. An example would be something like: "Pull both triggers simultaneously and the gyro function is toggled on or off."
The third thing that I think could be improved on the Z, is to get the mouse eye and the full gyro to work simultaneously with the mouse eye. I have an idea of how it might be viable, but I am no product designer and thus not stupid or arrogant enough to voice it out loud with my limited understanding of the efforts the lads at Swiftpoint have already made, nor the limitations they faced in creating the Z. ^^