Auto profile switching out of sync

Auto profile switching out of sync

I constantly stumble in to issue with profile auto switch not doing it's job, I have gone thru numerous hardware/software combos and it appears that every manufacturer has this issue, like that's some kind of global system limitation or whatever. 

Maybe some kind of manual "rescan current active window" function that can be assigned to a button will help solve this.
Or ability to set "each X seconds, rescan active window". (Even if it will create extra CPU load, I believe it will be at most useful alternative for those who has powerful CPUs.)

It really drives me nuts that I cannot rely on my software doing such a simple (on paper) task.
When I'm in a rush, trying to multitask, alt-tab regularly and my binds just stop working, and I suddenly get stuck for a good minute or two frustrated why is my Chrome trying to save webpages instead of switching to the next one, has outraged me more than it should.