Swiftpoint Z stuck in bootloader after failed firmware update.

Swiftpoint Z stuck in bootloader after failed firmware update.

Am running win10 with latest updates.

I was in the X1 beta program,  using z.  Updated the z firmware.

updated the X1 control program released a few days ago

that program must have a bug.

went into a constant loop trying to upgrade the z firmware but only ever getting 2/5ths of the way.

my Z is now bricked. No coloured logo, no oled.

reset does not work (l+r while inserting usb)

reboot does not work

Reinstall does not work.

using a different computer does not work

please provide a solution asap.  This is my daily mouse for work.


i have 5 other swiftpoint mice and received the tracer yesterday.  Most disappointed.