Swiftpoint Z shell project
A year ago, I made
this post requesting STL files so I could make a new top shell better suited to fingertip grip.
A year later and the bulk of the Z is bothering me even more as I have further improved my mouse control for FPS games and feel even more encumbered by the Z's derriere. But
I've reconsidered this project. I'd like to make a completely new shell
to cut down on size and weight even more than what would be possible with only a
modified top. I was inspired by
this video from Optimum Tech, but I won't be doing anything nearly as extreme - or boxy. For this, obviously I have no need of 3d models - or
anything else for that matter. But I would like some things from
Swiftpoint to reduce my workload here.
least of my requests is for information on the OLED. I suspect it of being glued in place. Is it? If so,
I'd rather just buy a second one for this project to make swapping back
and forth a little easier. I googled the string of characters on the
back on got nothing. Can you help me identify it?
second request is for any kind of image that I can use to trace the
circuit boards in CAD. As long as outlines and screw holes are present,
that's good enough to save me from a good amount of work. I don't have a
scanner and really don't want to disassemble my Z in Office Depot.
Anything more detailed than that would be greatly appreciated - mainly anything that would help with switch button positions - but I
understand if company policy forbids this.
My fellow fingertip grippers: I will be sharing the STLs and Fusion 360 project when complete for you to print or modify to your own taste.