Z1 - wheel scrolling *way* too fast

Z1 - wheel scrolling *way* too fast

I've had the Z1 since the kickstarter and now have multiple Z1 and a Z2.

Am currently at a client site with my laptop and a Z1 and the mouse wheel has started scrolling way too fast... a single movement of the scroll wheel will zoom the browser page right to the bottom of multiple pages and back up again with the reverse scroll movement. It is unbelievably annoying! 

The laptop has a Windows 10 Pro and a Windows 11 Pro boot and it first started on the Win11 OS, a couple of days ago. I haven't had time to investigate the issue there, and don't need to use Win11 much, but this morning the same thing has started happening in the Win10 boot.

I don't have another Z1 or Z2 with me to see if it is a hardware issue and won't be home for another 10 days, when I can swap another mouse in.

Of course, it being Wednesday, Win10 performed some updates this morning and it is after that reboot that the issue started, so I could well believe it is a Microsoft issue that my Win10 installation installed today.

My temporary 'fix' for now, in both Win10 and Win11, is the Windows mouse settings "Roll the mouse wheel to scroll" changed to "one screen at a time". It is preferable to the now default 'scroll to the bottom if you as much as look at the wheel' but is still different enough from years of ingrained mouse scrolling to be annoying!

Anyone else having similar issues?

Swiftpoint driver and firmware are up to date -