Z2 - Does the sensor sleep if idle?

Z2 - Does the sensor sleep if idle?

Running into a consistent quirk: after my Z2 is idle for a few minutes, it seems like the sensor goes into some sort of sleep mode. When I move the mouse after leaving it sit for a while, there's about a 1 second delay before the sensor tracks mouse movements again. It reminds me of how wireless mice will sleep if idle. Other than that, everything else still seems powered: the OLED screen is on, as is the logo LED.

It would be great if there were a flag in the X1 Control Panel to disable this behavior. My usual workday involves a lot of heavy keyboard use with intermittent switching over to the mouse. When I do reach for the mouse, it feels like the sensor went to sleep on me about 50% of the time. That 1-second sensor spool-up really does mess with muscle memory.

If anyone has the time to take a look: thank you!

And in case this isn't intentional behavior:
- Occurs across both Windows and MacOS
- Occurred with default Z2 factory settings
- Occurred with both the original firmware and the scroll-notch fix firmware
- Happens whether or not the X1 control panel is running + hooked to the mouse
- Plugged in the Z1 again to confirm I wasn't going crazy -- did not encounter this behavior on the Z1