My 300 Series Swiftpoint Mouse is not working at all.

My 300 Series Swiftpoint Mouse is not working at all.

If your mouse is not working at all, please try the following steps in sequence:

1. Confirm the 300 Series Swiftpoint Mouse has battery charge
To do this, turn the mouse over and click one of the mouse buttons.  If there is battery charge, the red sensor light will start flickering.  If there is no charge, please charge the mouse by docking it on the USB receiver (plugged into your computer's USB port).  Your computer will need to be turned on to charge the mouse.

If your mouse has battery charge or the mouse charging LED does not flash when your mouse is docked, please continue to Step 2.

2. Confirm whether there is an issue with the USB receiver
We have received a small percentage of customers reporting that their USB receivers have stopped working.  We have diagnosed these receivers and found that static electricity discharges from the user have caused the receivers to become unresponsive.  We have modified the electronic design of the receivers to address this issue, but customers who have purchased early versions of the Swiftpoint Mouse may find their receivers stop working. 

To determine whether your USB receiver has stopped working:
  1. Insert it into another USB port on your computer or another computer.  If your Mouse starts working, there may be a problem with your original USB port.  If the Mouse still does not work try the next step;
  2. Try to "re-pair" the Mouse with the USB receiver.
    1. Hold down both the left-click and right-click buttons
    2. While holding down both buttons turn the scroll wheel until both LED lights come on (this could take up to 15 seconds).
    3. Once the lights come on, release the buttons and hold the mouse close to the USB receiver. 
    4. If the LED lights go off your mouse has successfully re-paired and it should work.  

If the two LED lights on your mouse do not turn off, your USB receiver has stopped working, check here for how you can get a new USB receiver.

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