When using a ProPoint, SurfacePoint, or ErgoPoint with the P3 Control Panel
on Windows you will have access to the "Wheel" feature. This is a customizable radial menu which includes a variety of useful functions and can be opened anywhere with a single button press.
By default the Wheel Menu can be opened using ProPoint and SurfacePoint's "Rear Button", or ErgoPoint's "Middle Button". If the default is not working check the "Mouse Settings > Mouse Functions" tab in the Control Panel to see where it's assigned.
You can also assign it to another button here if you prefer.
After tapping whichever button you have assigned to the Wheel it will appear at the location of your cursor.
By default it will be split into eight sections each with a different function. Simply move your cursor to the section you want to activate and click the button you used to open the wheel again to select it (or left click will work too).
If you want to close the wheel menu without activating any function just click the X button in the middle of the wheel. Or press the button you used to open the wheel again anywhere outside of the wheel.
Once you're comfortable using the wheel menu as described above there is an alternative method to selecting functions which can speed things up even further.
Instead of tapping the button you have assigned to the Wheel, press and hold it. This will keep the wheel menu open while you are holding the button and activate a function if you release the button on its section of the wheel.
This allows any of the functions you have on the Wheel to be activated with a rapid press, flick, and release movement.
Any of the eight default functions can be re-arranged or removed from the wheel, and other functions can also be added. So depending on your preference you could have less functions on the wheel to make it easier to select them quickly, or add extra functions to provide more flexibility.
Wheel with 5 functions
| Wheel with possibly too many functions?
| |
Changes like this can be made using the preview of the wheel menu shown in the "Wheel" section of the P3 Control Panel. Simply click on any section of the wheel to open a menu where you can add, replace, or remove functions.

Standard functions not included on the wheel by default include media
controls (play/pause, next track etc.) But you can also add your own
"Custom Functions" to activate any keyboard shortcut, or launch any app on your system via the Wheel.
Creating Custom Functions
To create a custom "Keyboard Shortcut" or "Application Launch" function just click the "+Add a Custom Function" button in the "Wheel > Custom Functions" section.
After clicking add a new Keyboard Shortcut function will be added with the default name "Custom Function". This name can be changed to suit its intended function, and will be displayed on the Wheel menu.
Custom Keyboard Shortcuts
To assign keys to your new function just click the "Record" button, then
press the keys on your keyboard you want the function to
activate. You will see each keys press and release appear beneath the
Stop button. When you're done just click
"Stop" to end the recording, then "Apply" to save the changes.
If there are any problems you can hit record again to remove the existing keys and try again. Or you can manually adjust the shortcut by re-arranging, deleting or adding lines manually.
Delays can also be added between key-presses by adding a new line where you want the delay to be and typing in Delay X, where X is the length of delay in milliseconds. For example the macro below would tap the 'T' key, wait half a second, then tap 'T' again.
Custom Application Launch Functions
The function drop-down menu can be used to change the selected function to the Application Launch type.

Once this function type is selected a list of all apps installed to you system will be displayed. Simply select your intended app and click Apply to save your function.
Or if your app can't be found in the list click the browse button to select its executable manually.

Adding Custom Functions to the Wheel
After creating and saving your custom functions go back to the "Wheel Functions" tab and add them to the wheel. You'll find them under the "Custom" category.