If your GT is working correctly over Bluetooth, but you are unable to connect with your USB receiver, please try the following steps in sequence:
1. Re-pair your GT to its receiver
Your GT may have just lost its pairing to your receiver. Please perform the steps below to re-create this pairing.
- Ensure your USB receiver is attached to your computer
- Ensure that your mouse is switched to the OFF position
- Hold down all three (3) buttons on the mouse (front, rear and the stylus underneath) and move the switch from OFF to ON
- Release the buttons and hold the mouse close to the USB receiver - you should see the led flash several times to indicate pairing
If your GT does not connect the its USB receiver after performing this procedure, proceed to step 2.
2. Check if your receiver is still able to charge your GT
Even if your GT is almost fully charged, its green LED should flash for several seconds when placed on the USB receiver for charging.
If it does not flash at all, (and your GT is still working correctly over Bluetooth) your receiver may be damaged. In which case please proceed to step 3.
If your GTs LED is flashing correctly when placed on the receiver, then proceed to step 4.
3. Check for physical damage to the USB receiver
If your receiver has been left plugged into a laptop while in a bag. Movement in transit can put a lot of strain on the receiver, particularly if your laptop is not firmly held in place in your bag.
Damage from this can present as a slight bend, or movement between the black plastic and USB portion of the receiver. If you notice this on your receiver then unfortunately a replacement will be required. In which case they are available for purchase separately here.
If there is no bend or movement between the two halves of the receiver, but it is still not charging your GT, please proceed to step 4.
4. Confirm your GT is recognised by your computer
If your USB receiver is not correctly detected by your computer, your GT will not be able to communicate with it. So to confirm it is being recognised, please follow the steps below for your operating system.
- Open the Start Menu and click the settings cog almost directly above it.
- Select Devices.
- Your USB receiver should appear in the "Mouse, keyboard, & pen" category as a "GesturePoint Mouse Dongle" as shown in the image below.
- If your USB receiver is not in this list. This could indicate a problem with the USB port your are using, or the receiver itself. So please try connecting your USB receiver to another USB port. Or if you are using a USB hub, try connecting it directly with your PC. Then check again if it appears in the device list.
- If your GT did not appear in the list at first, but now does after changing USB port, try the pairing process from step 1 again.
- If your USB receiver does appear in this list, but you are still unable to pair with it. Please proceed to step 5.
- If your USB receiver will not appear in this list, and your USB ports are working for other devices, proceed to step 6.

Mac OS:
- Press Command + Space bar to open a Spotlight search.
- Type 'System Information' and press enter.
- At the bottom of the Hardware category, select USB.
- Look through the USB Device Tree on the right of the window for a "GesturePoint Mouse Dongle" as shown in the image below.
- If your USB receiver is not in this list. This could indicate a problem with the USB port your are using, or the receiver itself. So please try connecting your USB receiver to another USB port. Or if you are using a USB hub, try connecting it directly with your PC. Then check again if it appears in the device list.
- If your GT did not appear in the list at first, but now does after changing USB port, try the pairing process from step 1 again.
- If your USB receiver does appear in this list, but you are still unable to pair with it. Please proceed to step 5.
- If your USB receiver will not appear in this list, and your USB ports are working for other devices, proceed to step 6.

If your GT still will not connect, performing a factory reset may get it back up and running. The steps to do this are as follows
- Remove any Swiftpoint GT Bluetooth pairings to nearby computers or devices.
- Make sure your USB receiver is connected to your computer.
- Make sure your Swiftpoint GT is switched to OFF.
- While holding down the two top buttons (Front and Rear) switch the Swiftpoint GT from OFF to the ON position. Continue holding both buttons for a full 10 seconds, then release both buttons.
- Hold your Swiftpoint GT next to the USB receiver and roll the scroll wheel once every few seconds.
- The LED should give a short flash each time you move the scroll wheel. Then will give one slightly longer flash and stay off once the pairing is complete. (this should only take a few seconds)
If your GT does not connect to the receiver after performing the factory reset, try step 1 once more. As the reset may have resolved the issue that was preventing the regular pairing process from working.
If it still will not pair with your receiver please proceed to step 6.
6. Replace USB receiver
Unfortunately if your USB receiver is still not working, there is likely a problem with the receiver itself. If your GT is not physically damaged and still under warranty, please
submit a ticket to arrange a replacement. Otherwise replacement receivers are available for purchase separately