X1 Control Panel Experimental Linux Version

is not an officially supported platform. This release is purely
experimental, so comes with no guarantee that it will work on your
system, or that it will receive further updates.
A list of known issues is included further below. But this release will undoubtedly also include some more interesting bugs I haven't found yet. The
worst case I can envisage for these is temporarily locking up the mouse,
or the Control Panel corrupting its own configuration. So I recommend
exporting backups every now and then. But since it has not gone through
full production testing on any distro (let alone all of them), I must
also warn that you use it at your own risk.
- No firmware updates.
- Mouse firmware updates will need to be performed using Windows or macOS.
- No installer.
- New versions will be downloaded automatically when available. But accepting the update will just exit the X1 Control Panel and open the archive containing the new version.
- No Linux specific pre-made profiles or action libraries.
- The
included pre-made profiles and action libraries are unchanged from the
Windows versions. So some actions may not work on the Linux versions of
that software (if Linux versions even exist).
- Will not launch automatically on system boot.
Saving profiles to your mouses flash memory mostly eliminates the
downside of this. But the app will need to be launched for auto profile
- Keyboard input recorder cannot capture some shortcuts.
- Any shortcut which switches focus away from the Control Panel (e.g. Alt-Tab) cannot be directly recorded.
- These
shortcuts can still be added to the mouse, but they will need to be
created manually in Expert Mode; or created partially with the keyboard
recorder, then edited to complete the shortcut.
| Notes
| Required Firmware / X1 Version
| | |
| | |
| Fully disables foreground app detection when auto switching is disabled instead of just ignoring it.
| |
| See Beta changelog | |
| | |
| | |
| Adjustments to app update support (may work on more systems now, but still needs more work ).
| FW203 / X1 |
| Added correct translations files.
Added partial app update support.
| |
| | |
| | |
Version | Resolved issue that was preventing app exit.
| |
| Improvements to app linking. | |
| | |
| Adds app detection for auto profile switching.
| |
| Initial Release.
| |
Control Panel should run without any further setup after extracting it.
However, it may not be able to communicate with your mouse before
being given explicit permission on your system. So if your mouse is not detected copy the included '60-Swiftpoint.rules' file into the
'/etc/udev/rules.d' directory, then reload the UDEV rules.
Running the three commands below from the extracted Control Panel directory will do this for you.
- sudo cp 60-Swiftpoint.rules /etc/udev/rules.d
- sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
- sudo udevadm trigger

SteamOS users may need to disable read-only mode to update these rules. This requires two extra commands as shown below.
- sudo steamos-readonly disable
- sudo mv 60-Swiftpoint.rules /etc/udev/rules.d
- sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
- sudo udevadm trigger
- sudo steamos-readonly enable
Known Issues:
- Simple/Expert Mode windows don't remember their position when swapping between them.
- Auto profile switching does not identify clicking on the desktop as an app switch.
- Incorrect fonts causing some text labels to be slightly cropped.
- Other minor visual errors with some UI elements.
- Possible crash when resetting profiles to default.
- [SteamOS] In gaming mode cursor can't access entire Control Panel UI.
Reporting New Issues:
Linux release has not been thoroughly tested, so I do expect there to
be other issues. If you run into any please do let us know via this
Beta forum, or a
But be aware that as Linux is not officially supported I generally wont
be able to troubleshoot the issue with you. Instead I will just be
monitoring issue reports more passively and solving what issues I can
when time allows.