Customizing a profiles button mappings

Customizing a profiles button mappings

If you want to customize one of the pre-configured profiles, or are building your own profile from scratch. The following article will show you the different methods you can use to customize a button mapping.

Demonstration Video

Sean shows how you can make changes to the pre-configured profiles, using the action libraries and keyboard recorder.

1. Select a profile to customize

The first step is to ensure you are modifying the correct profile. To do this simply click its icon on the profile carousel. Its name will be shown in bold when you do this.

In this example the Overwatch profile is selected for editing.

2. Select the button you want to change

Now that you've selected a profile to customize, click on a button on the mouse image you want to modify, or its action label.

In the following example we will select the left fingertip button, which is set to "Equip Weapon 1" by default.

3. The button mapping screen

After selecting a button to modify you will be taken to the button mapping screen, which shows you the name of the button, and what action it's currently mapped to. If the button supports Deep Click, you will also have the option of adding a one. Info about utilizing deep clicks can be found here.

From this screen there are two main ways you can assign a new action to a button.

Using the Action Library

All profiles will have access to a library of basic actions. These include all mouse, keyboard, media and joystick buttons, along with some OS specific shortcuts and mouse settings like DPI and profile.

Beyond the basic action library profiles for supported games like Overwatch will also have a complete list of game actions in their library.

To open the action library simply click on the existing action. A drop-down menu will appear with several categories of actions.

You can then either click through the action categories to find the action you want; or to speed things up start typing the name of the action. This will filter the action library to make it easier to find what you're looking for.

Here we've typed in "push" to find the "Push to Talk" function in Overwatch.

Once you've found the action you want to map to this button, simply click the action in the list to apply it.

Recording a custom shortcut from your keyboard

If the action you want is not available in the action library, the other main way to select a new action is to record it directly from your keyboard. To do this simply click the small keyboard icon to the right of current action.

The keyboard icon will disappear and you will see a prompt to press a key or shortcut.

Just press the key or shortcut you want to map. As soon as you release it the recording will end and the keys you pressed will be added.

If you want to cancel the recording before pressing any keys, just left click anywhere.

Naming your custom shortcut

After creating a custom shortcut you can assign it a more useful name by clicking the icon which appears when you hover your cursor over it.

Saving your changes

Once you have selected the action you want mapped to this button just press the Save button to send the changes to your mouse.

If you have other buttons you also want to modify, you can leave this screen to edit them without saving. Your changes will not be lost, but they will not be sent to your mouse until you hit save or leave the Control Panel.

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